Understanding Male Infertility — Hegde Fertility Centre — Best fertility Centre in Hyderabad


Understanding Male Infertility — Best Infertility Centre in Hyderabad is Hegde Fertility Centre Hyderabad

Even today, discussions about male infertility are rare. It is taboo and can cause trauma and stress, especially in Indian society, where child-bearing is very important. Studies found that 40% of infertility cases are related to men.

Many factors to consider when diagnosing and treating male infertility include sperm count, morphology (shape), motility (movement), and DNA damage or genetic defects in sperm cells. The condition can be diagnosed with a semen analysis and treated by altering certain lifestyle factors and medications.

Visit your doctor regularly to keep track of your health and take actions to prevent the issues beforehand.

Men must be aware and understand male infertility to obtain early diagnosis and treatment when necessary.



Hegde Fertility Centre
Hegde Fertility Centre

Written by Hegde Fertility Centre


Best Fertility Centre in Hyderabad, India

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